Journal of Molecular and Cellular Biology2023-04-10T04:00:08+00:00Dr. Suryakiran Navath Ph. D.eiditor@sciforce.netOpen Journal Systems<p>Welcome to the International Journal of Molecular and Cellular Biology (IJMC), a distinguished platform dedicated to the exploration of molecular and cellular phenomena at the forefront of biological science. IJMC, published by Sciforce Publications, stands as a beacon of excellence in the field of life sciences.</p> generation is a boat for carrying and distributing the knowledge of science, health, and everything: How might they grow up?2023-04-10T04:00:08+00:00Uttam K<p><strong> </strong>The young generation is a driving force for family, society, nation, and the world. Bangladesh has a young population with ~34% that are aged 15 and younger. Globally, about 25 percent of the world is under 15 years of age, and the total world population estimated by the <a href="">United Nations</a> has exceeded eight billion in mid-November 2022. These huge numbers of the young generation must grow up properly.</p> <p> UNCTrust organized two events (“Health Camp” and “Science Fair” in May 2022) in the villages of Ramshil Union under Kotalipara, Gopalganj, Bangladesh. It was remarkable that everyone, mainly the young generation, participated and completed their work according to the instructions, nicely.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p>Two hundred fifty-three people (166 females and 87 males) got their treatment, from ages 2 to 90 years old, under the UNCTrust Health Camp program. There were four groups based on their ages: I. Pediatric Group, PG (> 0 to 14 years); II. Young Group, YG (15 to 47 years); III. Middle Age Group, MAG (48 to 63 years); and IV. Elderly Group, EG (≥64 years) people. The major health problems of the participants in this program are asthma, blood pressure, and heart problems. The Pediatric Group was mainly suffering from asthma, in PG, 20% females but 64% males; YG, 57% females and 54% males; MAG, 50% females and 67% males; and EG, 14.81% females and 67% males are suffering due to asthma. Including all groups, the males are suffering more than the females with asthma. Specially, the males of the pediatric and elderly groups are suffering significantly more than the females of the same age group with this disease. But the females are suffering more than males with blood pressure. The elderly group (EG; specially females) has a significantly higher percentage (11%) of diabetic patients compared to the other age groups.</p> <p>Almost 100% participants were vaccinated except pediatric group (PG). Most of the participants from YG, MAG, and EG received both doses 1 & 2. Males received more booster doses compared to the females of the same age group (24% vs 9%, respectively) in YG, but females received more booster doses compared to males of the same age group (36% vs. 20%, respectively) in MAG. The 73% of females and 81% of males of elderly group (EG) participants received doses 1 & 2, but 27% of females and 19% of males received booster doses. That means, more percent of females received booster doses compared to males in both MAG and EG. </p> <p> In the science fair, hundreds of students that ranged from primary to high school and general people from villages attended this fair. There were seventeen science projects displayed at the fair, and some of them were very impressive. The students improved their ideas through smart phones and the internet. Therefore, it is proved that if we use technology properly, then we can improve our knowledge and do the best things for the world. However, it is very important to bring up our kids properly.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p> The kid likes a small tree. A small tree, if we clean up the surroundings, put fertilizer, and give water regularly, it may or may not grow well. If we don’t put a fence around the tree, then it can get damaged. If we don’t cut off the small branches, then it would be unhealthy. If we don’t put a stick to support the tree, then it won’t be able to find its bright destiny. We also need to check the tree from time to time if we want it to grow properly. This also applies for a kid. A small kid does not know anything like a tree. We must prepare the environment for them to grow properly, improve their knowledge to protect themselves for growing healthy, help them to find their destiny, and check on them from time to time on how they are growing up for a certain period.</p> <p> <em>In conclusion, kids are studying many subjects/courses at their school and college levels, and it would be best if there is an additional subject like “Helps: How to Grow Up!” in every class for every student from primary to high school, maybe college level too. </em></p> <p><strong><em> Some request to young generation/kids and parents</em></strong><em>:</em> <em>* Think before starting and think after finishing, * Be honest, responsible, respectful, and simple, * Be a good human being, * If we respect others, then they will respect us, * If we help today, then they will help us tomorrow, * Sit together and discuss together, * Spend some time with family, and share thoughts and dreams with them, * Today’s good time will come back to us with a best time tomorrow, * Help others but don’t forget children and family, * Try our best to maintain a good family environment, * Let them know what we couldn’t do for them and why, * Let them know that we love each other, * Improve their own power/force/desire/interest to do the best thing, * Minimize our odd arguments in presence of children, * Mother can do more things for them what father can’t do, * Need the best mother and father for the family and for the society, * Parents must sacrifice somethings for growing them nicely, * Next generation will complete the rest of our work if they grow up properly.</em></p>2023-04-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Molecular and Cellular Biology (Ni) may have influenced on the MMA(V) reductase and DMA(V) reductase activities for inorg-As biotransformation process in humans2021-10-28T01:34:28+00:00Uttam K<p>Trace elements (As, Se, Zn, Co, Cu, Pb, Cd, Ni, Mn, and Hg) were analyzed in blood of arsenic exposed people in Mexico by using ICP-MS to know the influence of trace elements on the MMA(V) and DMA(V) reductase activities for inorganic arsenic biotransformation process.</p> <p>The correlations between MMA(V) reductase and DMA(V) reductase activities in blood of both females and males were very weak (F, r= +0.06 and M, r= -0.03, respectively). The activities of MMA(V) and DMA(V) reductase were also not depended on ages of those population (r= -0.05 and r= -0.11, respectively). In this study, there were no significant differences of the MMA(V) reductase and DMA(V) reductase activities in bloods of females and males.</p> <p>Nickel concentrations in blood were positively and negatively correlated with MMA(V) and DMA(V) reductase activities in blood of both females and males, respectively. These correlations were statistically significant for females. In conclusion of this study suggest that Ni may have influenced for biotransformation process of inorganic arsenic (inorg-As) in humans and it could enhance arsenic methylation, decrease urinary MMA, and increase urinary DMA.</p> <p>Abbreviation: SAM, <em>S</em>-adenosyl-L-methionine; SAHC, <em>S</em>-adenosyl-L-homocysteine</p>2021-10-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2021 International Journal of Molecular and Cellular Biology